Heartwood Hotel
  We live by "Protect and Respect," not by "Tooth and Claw."  
Arrival ▼ Departure ▼
Oh snap!

You must select a species

This hotel isn't for humans—our apologies! Try again.
This hotel can't provide rooms for bears. Your size is a hindrance. Our apologies! Try again.
You are being too sneaky! Please don't try and find or contact the Heartwood. Try again.
Oh! Our apologies. Those dates are already booked. Please try to arrange different travel times.
Rooms are available at this time: please contact Mr. Heartwood directly at info{at}heartwoodhotel{dot}com. Need different dates? Try again.

to the Heartwood Hotel,
the finest hotel for forests around.

View rooms for animals big to small,
our special services and our friendly staff,
including our famous maid, Mona the mouse,
and the owner, Mr. Heartwood the badger.

Our hotel is so famous, in fact,
books have been written
about our adventures
by the author Kallie George.
Be sure to check those out too, here.

Or visit Kallie George’s official website

  What is the perfect room for you? Take the QUIZ! Five-acorn rating: outstanding! ~ The Pinecone Press    
  Read more about the Heartwood Hotel  

Coming Soon!

Courage, kindness, and adventure abound in this charming, illustrated chapter book series! While the search for a golden acorn has Fernwood Forest all a-fluster, Mona the mouse plans a surprise of her own to bring all the animals together.

Heartwood Hotel: Family Forever
  Heartwood Hotel: A True Home Heartwood Hotel: The Greastest Gift  
Heartwood Hotel | Text © Kallie George | Illustrations © Stephanie Graegin  